HR Generalist & Strategic Partner by Unit
Academic Affairs (EVCAA)
EVCAA, represented by Department Liaison, Jennifer Gilles.
HR Generalist | Eileen Brown (6326) |
HR Strategic Partner | Connor Pride (8297) |
- Academic Affairs Admin
- Academic Writing and Learning Center
- Graduate School
- Information Technology Systems and Services (ITSS), represented by Department Liaison, Sally Bradt
- International Programs and Services
- Kathryn A. Martin Library, represented by Department Liaison, Heather McLean
- Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI)
- Sea Grant
- Sponsored Projects Administration
Chancellor's Unit
HR Generalist | Ashley LaLiberte (6326) |
HR Strategic Partner | Anna Bauman (7822) |
- Admissions
- Athletics, represented by Department Liaison, Wendy Larrivy
- Bulldog Resource Center
- Chancellor's Admin
- Development
- Enrollment Management
- Financial Aid
- Glensheen
- Registrar
- University Marketing & Public Relations
- University for Seniors
College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS)
HR Generalist | Alayna Anderson (6753) |
HR Strategic Partner | Jordan Denney (6827) |
- American Indian Studies
- Communication
- English, Linguistics, and Writing Studies
- World Languages & Culture
- Geography and Philosophy
- History, Political Science, and International Studies
- Anthropology, Sociology & Criminology
- Art & Design
- Fine Arts Academy
- Marshall Performing Arts Center
- Music
- Theatre
- Tweed Museum of Art
- Viz Lab
- Weber Music Hall
College of Education and Human Service Professions (CEHSP)
CEHSP, represented by Department Liaison, Karen Nichols.
HR Generalist | Alayna Anderson (6753) |
HR Strategic Partner | Jordan Denney (6827) |
- American Indian Learning Resource Center
- Applied Human Sciences
- Children’s Place/Preschool at the Park
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Education
- Upward Bound Vision Quest
- Social Work, TTCP
- Psychology
Finance and Operations (VCFO)
VCFO, represented by Department Liaison, Pam Merzwski.
HR Generalist | Ashley LaLiberte (6326) |
HR Strategic Partner | Anna Bauman (7822) |
- Budget & Analysis
- Controller’s Office
- Facilities Management, represented by Department Liaison, Dawna Carlberg
- Human Resources / Employee Health & Wellbeing
- Police, represented by Department Liaison, Linda Johnson-Gange
Labovitz School of Business and Economics (LSBE)
LSBE, represented by Department Liaison, Joseph Grant.
HR Generalist | Ashley LaLiberte (6326) |
HR Strategic Partner | Anna Bauman (7822) |
- Accounting & Finance
- Bureau of Business and Economic Research (BBER)
- Economics and Health Care Management
- Management Studies
- Marketing
- Masters of Business Administration
Student Life (VCSL)
VCSL, represented by Department Liaison, Toni Christensen.
HR Generalist | Eileen Brown (6326) |
HR Strategic Partner | Connor Pride (8297) |
- Alumni Relations
- Career Services
- Dining Services
- Disability Resources
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Health Services, represented by Department Liaison, Debra Mitchell
- Kirby Student Center
- Recreational Sports Outdoor Program (RSOP)
- Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution
- Student Life Operations (Parking & Trademark)
- Student Life Budgets & Personnel
- Sustainability
- UMD Stores (Includes Print Services & Ucard)
- Vice Chancellor’s Office
Swenson College of Science and Engineering (SCSE)
SCSE, represented by Department Liaison, Lucas Chubiz.
HR Generalist | Alayna Anderson (6753) |
HR Strategic Partner | Jordan Denney (6827) |
- Aerospace
- Biology
- Cell & Molecular Biology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Earth & Environmental Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Olga Lakela Herbarium
- Integrated Biosciences Grad Program
- Large Lakes Observatory (LLO), Blue Heron
- Marshall W Alworth Planetarium
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Physics & Astronomy
- SCSE Administration