Outstanding Staff and Team Awards

Awards Recognition Event Date/Time

Faculty, Staff and Years of Service Awards Ceremony 

Thursday, April 17, 2025
3:00 pm 
Kirby Ballroom 

Outstanding Staff and Team Awards have been developed to recognize the significant contributions of:

  • Civil Service employees
  • AFSCME employees
  • Teamster employees
  • LELS employees
  • Academic Professional/Administrative (P&A) employees that do not hold faculty rank.

Deadline Date: 10:00 am Monday, March 17, 2025

1. A nomination may be made by any employee, supervisor, Department Head, Director, Dean or employee can self-nominate.

2. All nominations carry the same weight, and a nomination by a group is comparable to a nomination by an individual. Multiple nominations will not be a factor in the final selection process. Each nomination will be judged on its own merit.

3. Four Outstanding Staff (Individual) and one Team award will be selected for the 2024/2025 program.


1. The Outstanding Staff (Individual) Award amount will be $2,500 for an individual employee award.
2. The Outstanding Team members will receive $1,250 each if the team has up to five members. A team of six or more members would divide $6,250 among all members equally. 


1. The nominee must hold one of the following job classifications:

  • Civil Service (non-bargaining)
  • LELS employees
  • Academic Professional/Administrative (P&A) appointment that does not hold faculty rank 


2. Years of service: The nominee must have worked at UMD a minimum of one continuous year in one or more of the job classifications specified above.

3. Probation: The nominee must have passed probation in their current position.

4. Employees who have won and are not eligible:

For Outstanding Staff (Individual) Award: An employee is eligible to receive an Individual Staff Award every five years.  Employees who have won during the following program years are currently not eligible: 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, 2023/2024.

See list of employees who have won during the specified years and therefore are not eligible for the Outstanding Staff (Individual) Award before you create the nomination.

For the Outstanding Team Award: An employee is eligible to receive a Team Award once every five award years. Team projects must have been completed between December 2023 and January 2025.  Employees who have won during the following program years are currently not eligible: 2019/2020, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, 2023/2024.

See list of employees who have won during the specified years and therefore are not eligible for the Outstanding Team Award before you create the nomination.

Note: If the employee has a break in-service between the award years specified, contact HR to verify if the employee is eligible. An employee selected for one of the two categories is still eligible to be nominated for the other category within the five year eligibility period. 


A nomination form must be complete to be considered. In addition, the nominee(s) must have a current performance appraisal and job description in their official personnel file at UMD HR completed within the prior 12 months.

The Selection Committee (composed of former Outstanding Staff and Team winners) will not review the performance appraisal but they will review the job description as part of the nomination.


I. Outstanding Staff (Individual) Award

This award is designed to recognize employees who have consistently performed their ongoing responsibilities in a superior to the outstanding manner and have significantly enhanced departmental, collegiate, or campus goals and objectives. The nomination must clearly show how the nominee meets one or more of the core values from the strategic plan and should provide specific example(s) of the achievement and/or effort for which the nomination is being made. The core values from the strategic plan are listed under the Core Values section below and can also be viewed on the webpage UMD Strategic Plan. Longevity in and of itself is not a sufficient reason for selection.

II. Outstanding Team Award

This award is designed to recognize individual employees or work teams who have implemented a special project during the year in supporting the mission of the campus/unit and have significantly enhanced departmental, collegiate, or campus goals and objectives.

The nomination for the Outstanding Team Award category should provide specific example(s) of the achievement and/or effort for which the nomination is being made. The nomination for the team award should reflect one or more of the values from the strategic plan (listed below under the Core Values section and can also be viewed on the webpage UMD Strategic Plan).

Core Values

The nomination forms for both an Outstanding Staff (Individual) award and a Team award must reflect one or more of the core values from the strategic plan below. 

To promote student success and to enrich the educational experience, students, staff and faculty at UMD strive to learn, work, and live in accord with the following core values:

Learning. We educate students through an integrative learning-centered environment that fosters a lifelong pursuit of wisdom.
Discovery. We discover, create, and share knowledge.
Engagement. We actively collaborate with each other and the larger community to identify and achieve common goals.
Inclusiveness. We respect and embrace the diversity of individuals, perspectives, and ideas and promote social justice.
Sustainability. We balance current environmental, economic, and social needs with those of future generations.
Integrity. We adhere to the highest ethical standards and take responsibility for our ideas and actions.
Excellence. We achieve excellence through creativity, continuous improvement, and innovation.


  • Must be typed on a computer or legibly handwritten.
  • Do not include in the nomination any situations relating to the medical condition of the nominator, nominee, or coworker. Also, do not include information such as the nominee working early or late, on weekends, outside office hours, during leave or during summer for those in 9-or 10-month appointments or while on vacation as it will not be relevant to the information reviewed during the nominee review process.
  • Primary nominator and other individuals supporting the nomination must use the nomination form and clearly show how the nominee meets the selection criteria.

Outstanding Staff (Individual) Nomination Form - WORD

Outstanding Team Award Nomination Form - WORD

Note: the nominee will receive a copy of the nomination form.

Send the completed nomination form to one of the below:

Via Email:
[email protected]

Via Inter-Campus Mail:
Outstanding Staff and Team Awards
255 DADB

Via Postage Mail:
Outstanding Staff and Team Awards 
255 Darland Administration Bldg 
1049 University Drive
Duluth, MN 55812